What is Shiatsu Shin-Tai?
Shiatsu is one of the the oldest natural healing methods. At conception the first paths of energy to arise in the embryo are the conception vessel and governing vessel, what I call GVCV. From CV, the center of the embryo, unfolds the digestive organs while from GV, the periphery of the embryo, unfolds the spine. Spirals of energy pour through special points along the back of the body called yu points, creating 7 chakras and energizing the internal organs. It then gathers at the front of the embryo at special points called bo points, creating spirals of energy to form arms and legs. The pathways these spirals of energy take, to form the body and all its parts, are called meridians. These meridians manifest in complimentary pairs with five pairs relating to our internal organs and one pair to certain functions.
Shiatsu practitioners can help to bring energy toward or away from these meridians where there is fullness or emptiness, balancing out the receivers energy system. Shiatsu is similar to acupuncture in this way, but the practice of Shiatsu involves touch (SHI means thumb, TSU pressure), a very different approach. Touch is the oldest form of healing, primitive in fact. Through touch we are rolling back, via involution, to primitive practices, and in doing so directly contacting the receivers primary energy system.
Following an involutionary path, the 12 meridians disappear, and we arrive simply at the primary energy system, i.e., GVCV. GVCV is not connected to any particular organ, they are the only two meridians (though paradoxically, not truly two separate meridians) present with the initial conception of sperm and egg. According to Masanaga, GVCV regulates all the other meridians. The other 12 meridians develop out of GVCV as the fetus develops. GVCV is where we can access the the oldest memory of life. Through involution we experience evolution.
Shin Tai developed out of a need to roll way back to the primary energy system, or GVCV. This is the foundation for the work of Shin Tai.