In this course we will familiarize ourselves first with the primary energy system, namely GVCV, and then deep dive into GV to understand what it is, where it resides, and what structures and systems are affected by it. Our focus will be mainly on the posterior body. We will expand on the eastern principles of what this meridian does by accessing it via the meningal tissues along its central channel, the structures of the spine, ribs, shoulders, and lower body, the fascial system, and specific chakras aligned with GV. We will study, observe and name three phases of motion along the governing vessel and its outlying structures. We will learn techniques to amplify the three phases of motion and create space within the system.



  • Create motion along the spine and its outlyIng structures

  • The use of inner force to adjust structural misalignments

  • Expand on concept of motion via the three phases of motion

  • Introduce contact points to release meningeal stress

  • GV meridian work

  • Fascial release in relation to GV and the chakra system

  • Passive corrections for spinal misalignments

  • Using positioning as a treatment tool


Theory presented

  • GVCV: it’s conception and evolution through bodywork

  • GVCV protocol

  • GV

  • The three phases of motion

  • Meninges and the central channel release


Exercises to stay tuned

  • Proprioceptive awareness exercises

  • Chakra breathing

The next session of Governing Vessel and Spine: November 4,5,6 and 11,12,13, 2023 (6 days) from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.

Cost: $595


In this course we will flesh out the concept of the Conception Vessel. By focusing on the anterior body, we will add dimension to the traditional ideas of this often misunderstood and passed over meridian. We will expand on the eastern principles of what this meridian does by accessing it via the Hara (see below), the hips, and the hip structures, as well as the sternum and anterior throat. We will look at how CV correlates to the chakras, fascia, the digestive system, and the endocrine system, and learn what techniques to use to effect change along the deepest channel of our energetic system.


WHAT IS THE HARA? The hara is a Japanese term used to describe ones center. Located in the abdominopelvic region, the hara is a microcosm of the whole person, reflecting their life sphere physically and energetically. Treating the hara gives the client an opportunity to change their condition, and their life.




  • Traditional techniques to treat the hara

  • Non-traditional techniques to treat hara, using fascial and structural work

  • Techniques for hip joint mobilization and release

  • CV meridian work

  • Fascial and structural work around the sternum,throat, and shoulders

  • Specific treatment for digestion

  • Specific treatment for circulation


Theory Presented

  • The three original tendencies of motion, related to the sperm, egg, and ovum

  • The three phases of resonance and motion in relation to the priority of treatment

  • Theory of expanding inner force of client

  • The evolving system of the outerbody


Exercises to stay tuned in

  • Proprioceptive exercises and awareness

  • Chakra spine breathing

  • Self hara treatment

The next session of Conception Vessel and Hara : 5 days: June 4-6,9&10 2023, 10-5:30
Cost: $495


Modern life has brought us to a critical point in our present lives. We are experiencing stress at heightened and hard-to-manage levels. With our nervous systems operating at very high levels we need a different way to understand and treat the body. Central channel work addresses this deep need to keep up with accelerated energies both within and outside the body.

Certain processes take place in this work to help people recover life force that has been either trapped in old habitual stress patterns or that has escaped altogether. As the practitioner develops their skills and understanding, they too become involved in a shift of consciousness, and can better tune into their clients needs as well as their own.

Protocols and techniques are taught in this course to address where the priority of the treatment lies, making the work more like play as we experience the unique unfolding of each individual.


• Intro to central channel course; what brought us here?

• Observation of motion and radiation check

• Leg length test and palpation

• Proprioceptive exercises

• Anatomy and physiology

• Central channel stress patterns

• Crossover

• The six stages of stress-diagnosis and treatment

• Three phases of motion

• Intro to sacral zones


• What is stress?

• Central Channel and Primary information system

• Evolution themes

• Three Phases of motion

• Time=Space=Motion

The next session of Central Channel Course : March 16, 17, 18 & 22, 23, 24 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.
Cost: $890


This two part course covers structural assessment and passive correction techniques for the hip structure, sacrum, and vertebrae. The skeletal structure is the most densely manifested aspect of the physiology. Making changes at this level of the body reverberates out through the glands, organs and energetic layers of the whole system with particularly deep effects on the hormonal and kidney energy. Acquire the capacity to evaluate and work with the structure in an effective, safe way while coordinating the synthesis between structure and energy in the body.

Participants learn a full assessment and corrective protocol which can assist clients in experiencing more mobility, alignment and a higher level of function. Working with the structure in this way brings a practitioner to a whole new level of professional capacity. Saul considers these tools a necessary part of every bodyworker’s skill set. This work can be integrated with therapeutic massage, shiatsu, craniosacral, and other forms of hands-on bodywork.


  • hip alignment evaluations

  • hip clearings

  • passive structural corrections of the ilia/hip joints

  • working with the lumbar and thoracic vertebra

  • correction of the pubic symphysis

  • sacral evaluations

  • passive corrections for the sacrum



This work has been described by Saul Goodman as “the jazz of the bodywork world.” The practitioner has reached a level of competency in Shin Tai to be able to be creative and effective at the same time. Students will learn how to synthesize all the techniques they have used in Shin Tai. Central Channel training will expand to address three major shifts: the critical points begin to spread out, and become less defined, the movement of breath shifts with facility along three phases of motion, and the six stages of stress begin to intermingle and diffuse. The practitioner will learn how to help facilitate these effects and to work with the interplay of the abstract and the linear. Advanced Central Channel offers the tools necessary to help develop your creative insight.

Welcome to the jazz of the bodywork world!



• Exercise and awareness skills to increase vibrational sense of three phases of motion

• Expand the framework of each stage

• New material — distal and anterior contacts

• New material — cranial suture adjustments

• Expansion of sacral zone adjustments

• Phase III adjustments for stages V and VI

• Continue exploration of the interface and synthesis between linear and non-linear dimensions


• Three phases of motion extended

• Life Force compression and recovery

• Instinct, Intellect and Intuition

• Right use of power in working with clients

The next session of Advanced Central Channel: TO BE ANNOUNCED (7 days) from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.
Cost: $595