These courses taught by Celeste are designed to help develop insight into your clients needs through the unique and evolutionary work of Shiatsu Shin Tai.

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Humans are programmed to be creatively in the present synthesis of past and future
— Saul Goodman


Central Channel Course

Instructor: Celeste Rixey

March 16,17,18 and 22,23,24: 10am-5:30

COST: 890.00





Shiatsu is a powerful healing art, well tested in its effectiveness for maintenance of health and well being. It is based on the understanding of the human body as a system of energy, which circulates  in channels (meridians), activating and charging all of the body’s organs and functions.


 In this course we will familiarize ourselves first with the primary energy system, namely GVCV, and then deep dive into GV to understand what it is, where it resides, and what structures and systems are affected by it. Our focus will be mainly on the posterior body. We will expand on the eastern principles of what this meridian does by accessing it via the meningeal tissues along its central channel, the structures of the spine, ribs, shoulders, and lower body, the fascial system, and specific chakras aligned with GV. We will study, observe and name three phases of motion along the governing vessel and its outlying structures. We will learn techniques to amplify the three phases of motion and create space within the system.


 In this course we will flesh out the concept of the Conception Vessel. By focusing on the anterior body, we will add dimension to the traditional ideas of this often misunderstood and passed over meridian. We will expand on the eastern principles of what this meridian does by  accessing it via the Hara, the hips, and the hip structures, as well as the sternum and anterior throat. We will look at how CV correlates to the chakras, fascia, the digestive system, and the endocrine system and learn what techniques to use to effect change along the deepest channel of our energetic system.



Shin Tai is a burgeoning body of work whose time has come to help all body workers find fulfillment and self-realization through their practice. This work has kept my business on the cutting edge of the evolution of bodywork.

The thing that excites me most about Shin-Tai is the creative process. Within a very clearly outlined protocol lies infinite possibility and creativity.

My intention is to help inspire other bodyworkers who may, on the one hand, feel stuck and limited in their practice, and/or on the other hand, feel frustrated by how to integrate the barrage of energy work that we now have access to. Shin Tai provides both structure and creativity. It is the synthesis of these two components that is transforming the traditional idea of massage therapy.



Using a highly developed system of diagnosis and technique, Celeste works to help release stress patterns held or trapped in the system. She works on many levels, ranging from more dense joint mobilization, stretching, rocking and hara release, to more subtle approaches with meridians, fascial and central channel release, chakra, and cranial work.

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“Bodywork is at a critical point for expanding health and consciousness and you can be a part of this movement towards a higher frequency of human functioning”



Take the Challenge

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